Opening times

We are closed on Mondays

Open 9am - 5.15pm Tuesday to Saturday

Closed for lunch 1 - 2pm each day

Please note that all visits, regardless of what they are for, must be booked by telephone in advance. 0141 339 1720

As you can see from our website our approach is more traditional and is truly is different because we run on an appointment only system. We changed to this method after our re-fit in early 2019, and our clients love it - we think you will too.

Choosing specs is a very personal affair, as one of our clients said “it’s a bit like choosing a hairstyle that has to last for at least a year!” We agree and with this so it’s important to get it right.

During your visit there will be no more than one other client in our store, so you can relax and take your time with one of our our expert dispensing Opticians who will help you select the perfect pair of glasses and guide you to the most suitable lenses without other customers milling around. No self selection here!

If this appeals please phone to arrange an appointment.

0141 339 1720